The ideal state of business function is the state of efficiency. To be efficient is to achieve maximum productivity while minimizing wasted effort or expense. In other words, this means using as little resources, whether it is money, time or effort, to achieve the most out of it.

The reason this is the ideal state of function for businesses is because of the concept of maximizing output and minimizing input. This means getting the most out of what you put in. The switching of physical, printed documents to electronic documents is inherent in the field of efficiency.


There is a multitude of advantages to using electronic documents over physical documents. One such advantage is the lacking of distribution problems. As documents are in the cloud, or the internet, distributing documents becomes a much more simple task. In addition to the easy transferring, electronic documents are distributed much faster than their physical counterpart. As documents are transferred much more rapidly, the amount of time exerted to send and receive documents is greatly reduced, thereby increasing productivity.

Another benefit to electronic documentation is the ability to edit and update with ease when needed. In terms of information, the larger and more condensed a physical, printed document is, the more effort it would require to update or edit that document. By using electronic documents, the ability to edit and update is at the user’s finger-tips. The user will be able to edit, update, and preview with great ease. And unlike physical documents, the user is able to quickly edit the documents whenever needed as opposed to creating a new one all together. Thus, efficiency is promoted.

Perhaps an overlooked advantage is the ability to save money. The cost of paper, though not overly expensive per sheet, is capable of adding up rapidly. Physical documents that are printed in bulk consume a large quantity of paper and ink. By constantly having to print out documents as well as providing the labor to distribute said documents, companies end up exerting their monetary assets needlessly. With electronic documentation, however, businesses are able to either cut out or greatly reduce these costs, ultimately reducing input.

Electronic documents are also fast and convenient. There would no longer be a need to physically search for a document, which could be misplaced, and transfer it via manual labor or mail. These acts consume a very large amount of time. This time could be spent completing other tasks and assignments. Therefore, electronic documents increase employee productivity by eliminating any unnecessary tasks.

Is This Right For Your Business?

Although electronic documentation offers a large amount of benefits, there are questions that need to be asked before considering the switch. One such questions is whether or not your business handles a large volume of documents.

Law firms, insurance companies and medical practices are examples of businesses which will find the greatest benefit from switching to electronic documentation due to the sheer amount of documents needed to be recorded, filed, and stored. Other types of companies which will benefit greatly are ones that require rapid communication and transfer of documents or the distribution of contracts. However, regardless of what business it may be, a single document delivered timely and accurately can be the deciding factor between success and failure.

The Solution

The problem lies in finding the best and most suitable software for the company. Ideally, each company would have an electronic documentation system that is both cost effective and runs efficiently alongside any other programs. Pro DBX has just the answer.

With Pro DBX’s various electronic documentation systems, such as the DigiForms and DigiDocs, businesses will find the transition from physical to electronic akin to second nature. Not only is the software cost effective, DBX will tailor the systems to suit their client’s specific needs.

No two companies are completely the same, and each business’ needs vary. On top of that, this software is cloud-based, meaning users can access it whenever and wherever there is an internet connection whether it is on a computer, tablet or phone. Due to the fact that this software is both all-in-one and custom built, businesses will have no worries about any possible conflict with their current programs.

A new age of technology is on the horizon and businesses are beginning to search for methods to run more efficiently. DBX will deliver.