Employee tracking via GPS software presents many reasons for the company and the employees themselves. Although many drivers are against this type of tracking, both drivers and entrepreneurs will find great benefits and reasons for employee tracking through GPS.

It is important to note that your employees are first notified of the GPS tracking and then informed of its works. This helps in avoiding any potential misunderstandings and can prevent any hinges between you and your employees.

Improvements in Efficiency

One of the most prominent reasons to use a GPS tracking system is to improve efficiency. Typically, people assume the sole purpose of a GPS is to keep track of employee location. While it is correct that GPS systems monitor location, there is so much more to accomplish with that information than for verification purposes.

Through the monitoring of delivery routes, companies can determine whether or not to maintain that route or make adjustments. Should adjustments be needed, the delivery routes can be changed to either improve speed times, save fuel or even both.

Thus, drivers are capable of delivering on the most efficient route possible. Routes can also be changed to better suit deliveries.

For instance, if one driver is struggling to complete a delivery route on time and another completes their route with plenty of room to spare, both routes can be situated to better accommodate the time constraint. As such, delivery routes can be altered to better distribute the work load among the employees.

While route monitoring is important, so is employee monitoring. With a GPS tracking system, companies can weed out any potential slackers. Though the GPS system itself will not be sufficient proof, it is a viable starting ground for suspicion and caution.

Improvements in Security

Not only will the company benefit from a GPS tracking system, the drivers themselves will too. The system can function as a potential safety net, allowing drivers to avoid any insurance scams or frauds. This provides more reasons for employee tracking.

Take, in this scenario, that the driver of a delivery vehicle was accused of causing an accident and that the driver claims that he or she just happened to be within the vicinity of the accident site. The GPS system can verify the location, speed, route, and service that the delivery vehicle was undergoing. This can help build a solid defense against such an accusation and help protect the driver from fraud.

In another scenario, should a customer claim that the driver has not appeared to deliver or complete a service, the GPS system can be used to testify for or against that customer’s claim. This system provides a protection against false claim as well as support for any potentially true claims. As the GPS system indicates the speed at which the vehicle is traveling, drivers are less compelled to speed through an intersection or a neighborhood.

This helps to prevent both accidents and speeding tickets, thus driving in the streets becomes a better and safer endeavor.

Improvements in Driver Morale

With a GPS system in place, accountability no longer becomes an issue. Drivers will feel more compelled to execute their tasks swiftly, accurately, and to the best of their ability. Employees can now be rewarded for exceptional work and behavior. This eliminates the ‘attention only on the negative’ aspect many employers have regarding delivery works.

As drivers are now being recognized for their hard work and achievements, their performance and self-­esteem can potentially experience great lengths of growth, thereby improving work efficiency.

Regarding slackers or ‘bad’ employees, the more diligent workers typically find themselves carrying the weight and burden left behind by those who are not as diligent. These diligent workers are often times reluctant to report on their less efficient counterparts.

Rather than taxing your great employees with both their work at hand and behavioral reports, a GPS system can help decide whether or not this less efficient worker should be let go or not. This can remove much of the psychological and physical burden on those who are efficient employees. This type of software gives you the tool to deal with unproductive workers.


There are a myriad of benefits presented by a GPS tracking system. These benefits pertain not only to business owners and entrepreneurs, but their employees as well. As such, the integration of this new-found software system can bring about great growths within and beyond the company. GPS tracking is part of the new era of technology. The change awaits.

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