Companies and businesses all around the globe are switch from a generic software management system to a custom software solution. These switches may not even be a complete overhaul of the system.

Some organizations are incorporating parts of customs software in order to have a better flowing management system. While the benefits are great, there are indeed drawbacks to custom software presented. Before purchasing custom software, consider the drawbacks first.

Related: Why Custom Software is the Way to Go

1) Costly

The typical thought that appears in most people’s minds when considering custom software is the high cost. In comparison to the average, run-of-the-mill software solution, the price of custom software would be an exponentially large increase.

In order to create this personally tailored software, a large amount of work is put in. Furthermore, this requires the presence of a trained staff. These staff members are expected to be skilled in programming, analysis, as well as coding.

Additionally, there must also be software and hardware consultants within the vicinity to provide a third party input. The time and effort exerted to create and maintain the freshly produced software system further adds to the cost. In consideration to all of these variables, the cost of ordering and creating tailored software can be very overwhelming.

2. The Clients’ Demands

One of the most important reasons business owners opt for custom software is due to the fact that they are able to control what sort of function it has and how it operates. The same benefit, however, can also prove to be detrimental to business management.

Custom software can only match the requirements of the client to the extent that they are capable of defining. This means that, unless the client has a clear, concrete plan of how they want their software to operate and can put it into words well enough so that the developers can understand, the chances of receiving exactly what they were looking for decreases.

By not clearly and accurately defining the operations and limits of the software in creation, many misunderstandings and errors will occur, leading to more waste of time. The end result may not be sufficient in operation within such a case. Should the client not have a concise strategic plan for the business operations, long term IT plans that support the business requirement become difficult to determine.

3. Compatibility Issues

A large amount of companies currently have pre-existing programs that are in operation. When integrating newly crafted software, compatibility issues may very well rise to the surface. There may be times when companies only require one small function that their current software cannot carryout.

In such circumstances, the company seeks a custom software developer in order to create an Add-on as opposed to a brand new system. This Add-on may not be compatible with pre-existing programs and thus, more problems will surface. Furthermore, if the software is not compatible with the systems of other users such as suppliers and customers, even more dilemmas could arise.

Why Pro DBX?

Pro DBX covers all the problems other custom software companies present to their clients. Our products are offered at a cost-effective price. In addition, our team of expert consultants provides feedback, suggestions and comments during the brainstorming period of the creation process.

Furthermore, Pro DBX provides free software demonstrations in order to give our clients a sense of what we provide. From there, clients are able to add any input they would like to observe or any suggestions on how to better gear the product towards their company.


Although custom software presents many advantages, it also presents quite a few disadvantages. As businesses increasingly begin to integrate personally tailored software management solutions, the hunt for the most affordable and efficient developing company becomes all the more imperative.